Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth peace and Goodwill.

Rt. Rev. Prasanna Kumar Samuel

Situated at the heart of the city amidst serene garden, our Church, is one of the heritage buildings in Bengaluru. The Church has seen through many dedicated Chaplains and Deacons over the years who wholeheartedly served and passed on the tradition of worship services. Our church follows Anglican order of worship every Sunday.
For Service timings click here.
Our Church is "Prayer-Conditioned" where all the members take part in the Church ministry through our various wings. ASCMF, ASCWF, ASCTF, ASYF.

Hailing from the garden city, Bengaluru, our Padri brings with him rich traditions and values nurtured by his parents right from his childhood. He finished his schooling from St. John's School and joined St. Joseph's Arts and Science College, located on Residency Road to complete his pre-university and graduation.